Time for Great American Reset?

Since January 20th, 2025, I hear and read positive and negative things politically. That doesn’t bother me, provided the opinion is based on fact, not emotion.

As I examine what is voiced, I admit I categorize the person. Someone who is not informed, someone who only listens to Left or Right media, or someone who critically examines the issue, data and is open to contrary view and the root of the issue.

It takes work to fall into the last category. That’s the reset. It’s not Democrat or Republican, it’s being informed, practical, willing to compromise and respect one another.

There are plenty of hot buttons, currently. When there is a sound bite played, don’t take it at face value. Listen or watch the unedited version. Take in account the context and intent. Was it serious, sarcastic or an attempt at comedy. RELAX, because when Main Stream Media is presenting their agenda. Yes, their agenda is to suck you in, watch, and they sell advertising and influence. That’s the RESET ! Make up your own mind.

How do you make up your own mind? Interact with others and LISTEN to what is being said. Extract fact from emotion. Determine what causes the emotion or merit of the fact. Appreciate other points of view, and evaluate. Then reflect, it’s ok to change your mind, but it’s also ok to keep your prior viewpoint. That’s the RESET.

Once you Allow yourself to be open and informed, we all win. If you pick a side, and unwilling to accept others and other opinions, you only perpetuate your static existence, we all loose.

Never too late, to RESET.

Fair and Free Elections

Why is this such a hot point and divides people? Wouldn’t common sense dictate we only allow American citizens the right to vote.

Think we can all agree, a person is allowed one vote, in their registered area.

Next counting votes, all voting precincts must count legitimate votes per candidate and report to the state. The states must report and post how many registered voters per precinct and the number of votes per candidate. If a machine is used to expedite counting, a physical count must be performed, to ensure accuracy. This would make it very easy to understand if the grand total numbers are a result of actual votes with no machine or software errors. Current audit standards are controlled by states and most only do no more than 2% of precincts, which should be called a sampling, not an audit. NCSL website on audits, https://www.ncsl.org/research/elections-and-campaigns/post-election-audits635926066.aspx

Only votes received day of, or prior to election day can be counted. As responsible adults, this can be accomplished.

Observers for each party on the ballot, must be allowed to witness in detail, any action a poll worker is performing. Correcting ballots, not allowed. Once again, voting should be performed by responsible adults.

No counts released until all precincts in that state verify they are ready to release their counts.

Precincts should recount the paper ballots, standard audit process, with observers. At the polling place each person should sign a paper ballot that is used for counting/auditing. Allows signature verification if there is an issue. The precinct audit then verifies the actual local counts. Instead of the ballots moving to central location, why cannot the auditors move from precinct to precinct? Lock ballots up with seals to eliminate tampering.

Seems the current method of collecting and counting ballots is a poor design, with no real clear audit trails. Until this system is fixed, there will always be cries of cheating and only an impetus for division. This may not be an end all solution, but if this is the basis, with improvements, we can ensure honest and fair elections.

Covid Deaths

The numbers are staggering, or are they? Today the numbers of deaths shown as 478,912. Wow !! But wait, read the description. 91% estimated having an underlying cause of Covid. So, these deaths tested positive with Covid when death occurred. Now consider that a positive test only proves “most likely” you have Covid. Yes, both sides of the argument can find supporting documents, so always read with a critical mind, not one of looking to win an argument. Examples below, bottom of page. What is underlying? We’ve all heard stories of people dying and tested positive for covid, so it’s a covid death. Falling off a ladder, car crash and waiting for a transplant coded as covid deaths.

This graphic from CDC website, https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/covid19/mortality-overview.htm , numbers reported as 0f Feb 20. What caught my eye, 9% listed with covid as contributing cause of death.

Calculate 9% of 478,912 = 43,102. Still a big number, and close to Influenza in prior years. CDC website, guidance for reporting numbers, scroll to the part about cause of death and covid 19. https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/nvss/covid-19.htm#understanding-the-numbers My interpretation is, 9% as the overarching number of covid deaths, officially.

Also on the Covid Mortality Overview, scroll down to the Comorbidities and review the numbers reported by type. Influenza and Pneumonia is #1. But what came first, covid or pneumonia? That would be huge to know.

Death Rate is roughly .0179% of all cases as of today’s data released. So why does the media hype the numbers of people getting sick?

Why are Influenza numbers way down? Open this CDC page https://www.cdc.gov/flu/weekly/usmap.htm and review the seasonal flu cases. Make sure you change the slider above graphs to compare the year to date equally.

Influenza Deaths according to CDC for season 2018-2019 was 34,157. CDC website https://www.cdc.gov/flu/about/burden/2018-2019.html Flu Season numbers start in October.

CDC stance on Flu activity “While seasonal influenza (flu) viruses are detected year-round in the United States, flu viruses are most common during the fall and winter. The exact timing and duration of flu seasons can vary, but influenza activity often begins to increase in October. Most of the time flu activity peaks between December and February, although activity can last as late as May.”

Is this the Flu or something else? In the beginning, we were told this is a form of Influenza, but much more deadly. Seems to following that initial description as to type. What is the REAL death rate? Herein lies real question and obviously, depending on your viewpoint, it is much deadlier, basically half a million reported or slightly more than Influenza or the same if you want to only count causal and not include bonehead moves by some governors, putting sick people in nursing homes.

Wish they would publish the number of deaths caused by covid hype and shutdowns. Too many stories of deaths while waiting for transplants and deaths caused because people couldn’t get treatments, such dialysis.

Everyone is entitled to their opinion, and that should be respected. This is how I am looking at the all hype and see it. Maybe you agree or disagree, but please be critical of the media hype and be diligent on how and who you accept information from, including me, nobody as all the answers. Collectively, though, we may see through the BS.

Examples of supporting Covid Testing accuracy. All depends on your opinion and open mindedness as to how you interpret the articles.



Lady Gaga dogs Stolen

How tragic, that someone shot the dog walker. In her grief she is offering $500,000.00 for the return of the dogs. Oh, by the way ZERO Dollars for information on who shot the dog walker. Tells what she thinks of others.

Bet she gets an armed guard for the dogs, and makes the dog walker sign a release of liability.


Trump’s New Reality Show

Donald Trump will be releasing details of his new reality show, Baron’s Whitehouse.

With all the commotion of changing administrations, few noticed that Donald and Melania boarded Air Force 1 without Baron. Embracing the idea of the Home Alone series, Baron is staying behind, but wired for sound and cameras.

Resources speaking off the record have leaked for Baron to convince Joe, he is Joe’s son, another episode, yelling to get a doctor, causing secret service to frantically locate Jill Biden. Also unconfirmed, Baron walks into Oval office during a meeting with a special chocolate & vanilla ice cream for Joe.
