Government Spending

Dear Senators Sinema and Kelly,

As a voting Arizonian, please vote NO on the Manchin-Schumer Spending Bill.

I understand this is being sold as a reduction in taxes with Social spending to benefit people living in America.

However, I’ve never noticed money making companies willing to absorb tax increases. It may help in the short term, but shortly, these companies will pass the the increase onto us working people eventually. Whether it’s raising prices, or effecting the employees with lower raises or less in benefits. Worse case is forcing the companies to reduce U.S. lower force and outsource, to make profits. Profits drive stock market and corporate decisions.

While I appreciate the efforts to attract new and growing businesses to Arizona, seems this Bill could actually hurt that growth, with companies questioning growth in the U.S.

Inflation is killing our state and making it more difficult for our State to consider getting tax dollars to improve education and social spending at a local level. Consider, the average salary in Arizona is just over $63,000 annually, which isn’t even half your salary. In fact, 36% of your $175,000 base.

While this Bill will benefit you at the election in short term, it will hurt in the mid to long term. Large businesses work on the global platform, and know how to respond to government demands, to ensure they continue to make money.

Here’s the response I received from Mark Kelly. Is this a response to me or a basic form letter claiming to be a representative, yet doing what “he” wants to do.

I Do Not feel Represented.

California Eliminates College Entrance Standards

While I understand the need to level the playing field for all high school students to enter a higher level of education, but eliminating entrance standards and making it subjective seems counterproductive to the mission of the institution.

I am referring to this

Wouldn’t it be more helpful to set goals for these students and fix the current system that is letting them down. It’s not like this a new problem, the educational system has been letting students down for years, with the aid parents who don’t give a hoot and demographics where education isn’t stressed.

Considering California Budgeted almost $18,000.00 per K – 12 Student. National numbers per census bureau.

Maybe instead of being progressive, let’s actual change the curriculum to useful skills to change the never ending cycle.

Influenza Deaths Dropped Dramatically

As I was looking through CDC Covid and Flu numbers, something popped out, in 2017 there were 52,000 Flu Deaths and in 2021 a mere 1,073. Appears CDC is not updating this chart any more, but I found the Influenza deaths mixed in with the Covid deaths. Below is how CDC reported Influenza, up until 2020. Why did CDC stop updating the Influenza Charts?
Recapping the Deaths by year

When I looked at Covid Deaths by Year, very surprised by the Influenza Death Column. In 2020, count went down to 8,785 deaths and in 2021 only 1,073. If you think it’s the flu shot, please refer to CDC stance, Flu is virus and cannot be cured, except by Natural Immunity.

Curiosity drove me to look at Covid Deaths and Influenza combined. If you actually read the CDC numbers, they report Covid deaths as a whole of Underlying and Contributing. Simplified, Underlying is not the cause and according to CDC definition, a covid test doesn’t have to be performed, but the appearance of covid, allows death certificate to be coded with covid as underlying. Why would a doctor do this? Research government reimbursement for covid deaths.

Back to the point, if you review Influenza Deaths, combined with Covid deaths adjusted for contributing factor, the numbers are lower than 2017 flu deaths. For 2020 & 2021, taking 10% of 385,484 and 461,112 respectively and displayed in yellow.

Why isn’t this news? Why does the CDC and Media report cases, ie being sick. Why isn’t the Contributing factor death count, reported separately from all causes? Why can’t I find covid deaths coded and separated by vaccinated and not?

This is why many people are skeptical.

Covid Deaths School Age Kids

With all the talk about masking and making kids get the vaccine, I decided to check the CDC website and review deaths by age group. Surprise, as of today, July 24 2021, there have been 401 deaths for 0 to 18 years. 401 deaths since January 2020, that is about a 1.5 years.

Verify here

Yes, 401 deaths in 17 months. I am NOT making light of deaths, but 401 out of approximately 74 Million? That’s 0.00005%.

Why does the media and CDC keep reporting accumulative numbers versus annual or seasonal numbers? That is how they usually report illness and deaths. Also, why do they include “underlying” conditions whereas the norm is reporting “contributing”. Overall deaths now becomes very hazzy when CDC labels 10% of the reported deaths Covid contributed to the death.

Verifiable at

Now if you look at Influenza illness and deaths, flu season for 2018 – 2019 there were 34,000 reported deaths. Compare 1st year of Covid “contributing” deaths would be 38,500. Even more interesting, there were 61,000 deaths from influenza in 2017-2018. Did we lockdown or make masks mandatory?

Verify at

Let’s dive deeper into Influenza history, CDC is reporting for calendar year 2021, Influenza deaths at 408. That’s all age groups. For 2020, influenza deaths down to 8,790.

Verify at

Appears “Mandatory” masks and vaccine and passports isn’t necessary. Our young may actually have the answer to beating this variant, or maybe our natural ability to build antibodies will prevail again.

So do some research and make up your own mind when it comes to #Covid , #Covid19, #Vaccine. Not sure why this isn’t being presented to the public. What you say #foxnews, #ABCnews, #NBCnews, #CBSnews. I know why #CNN and #MSNBC won’t report, they are afraid their business will die when people think for themselves.

Senate and Congress Reform

Term Limits – If the past 2 years haven’t made a case for term limits, consider the precedent has been set, where the career politicians will do anything to sway the populace for voting their party back into power, versus what is right. No matter who wins the next election, be prepared for more of this nightmare. The 2 party system is governing us, not the other way as it was intended. When politicians snub working for us, instead of making things better for their constituents.

Live in District – This really is no brainer. If the representative does not live in the district, how can they know what is actually happening.

Politicians Lying – We must request that members of Congress be held to the same level of truth that is expected of people testifying before them. Double standards should not be acceptable. How many people believed Schiff, claiming that he has seen “more than circumstantial evidence” of a Trump-Putin conspiracy. He didn’t, yet people still believe he does. Just a single example, no time to list all the lies in the past year by politicians, both parties are guilty.

Campaign Contributions – Everyone complains that companies are buying politicians, but what about the rich? Tired of all the campaign commercials full of half truth. How about we stop any campaign funds from companies, corporations and superpacs. Make campaign contributions only legal from U.S. citizens and limit the total amount. This should include comps and perks. Take away any financial gains that gives a candidate an unnatural advantage.

Bill be own Merit or Subject Matter – Tired of campaign ads full of half truths or Bills full of bloat? Why couldn’t politicians vote on a straight forward stimulus package for people without including millions for state bailouts. Want to make your representative accountable without excuses, this would remove the grey area.

Poll Constituents – Start building web sites and apps for representative area which give you a visible accountability in your area or district. You register with your physical mailing address. A post card is then sent to that address with a code and no other registration information, user name and password. You then sign into the web site and enter the annual verification code. When a Bill is introduced, you receive notification to give your input., After your input, you can see how you and all others in your district feel and voted. This isn’t an official vote, but if you know there 500,00 people in your district, 315,00 use the app, and 200,000 of you gave an opinion and mostly voted for or against, some semblance of direction can be surmised. While not perfect, daily activities is no longer a dark hole.

We really need to get our country back. Each of these steps would be a positive in getting the fundamentals envisioned by our founders. While our country has never been perfect, but let’s never stop trying to get there.

Mail In Voting for All

Mail in voting appears to be heading towards populace implementation, but just one’s persons’ ideas.

Keep the fill in the dot, this can be automatically read, no human intervention, “MOST” of the time.

Make each Ballot fold-able, where the voter signs, this way each ballot cannot be substituted, to help prevent fraud. Make sure the signature is on outside for verification, without opening the ballot, keeping the ballot secret. Additionally, once folded, a tab available for a machine to unfold and automatically count your vote, after signature verification, without human interaction to cut down on fraud.

After all ballots completed, folded and signed, they get placed in a tamper proof envelope, with a bar code for tracking purposes only. Nothing on the bar code to identify party affiliation. Give the Voter ability to scan tamper proof envelope to notify State, ballot on its’ way, with a phone app. Not mandatory, but would aid in locating areas where ballots not delivered in a timely manner. My ballot made it to State agency in 2 days. If a number ballots in my area start taking 5 days, it could raise suspicions for investigation.

Audit each ballot, for completeness or rejection. Determine an acceptable amount of missing completeness per ballot. If it exceeds the allowable percent of missing sections, then Pull ballot for manual inspection, to ensure not a malfunction. Missing sections, when someone doesn’t complete sections for judges, county supervisor, and so on. A rejection should include where someone votes for more than allowable, like President or Representatives. The Voter should be notified. This is problematic, should the entire ballot be rejected and if enough time, allow voter to resubmit? Should only that section of the ballot be rejected? Can Voter be allowed resubmit rejected section? Let each State decide the process.

Another option, is allow people to fill out the ballot at home, and walk into the voting location and feed the ballot themselves into counting machine, obtaining a reference number if no voter id. Walk into a private verification booth, enter the reference number, or voter id number, and review their ballot on screen, and either accept or reject. Of course, this would need some work, because maybe the person is happy just accepting without verifying. If the voter doesn’t like what they see on screen, the ballot must be returned to them and a new ballot issued for getting their vote in.

Of course there are other ideas, our State leaders need to work on a solution now. No matter who is declared the winner somewhere between Nov 3rd and Nov 5th, will end up in court(s). Technology exists for these things. I do like Arizona Alert System, I was notified when Ballot received. Then another notification once my signature was verified. If our State leaders don’t make improvements towards safe and accurate voting, we should elect leaders who will.

Reports of Hunter Intro of Joe to Burisma

This story is being suppressed by Facebook and Twitter. There is email evidence of Hunter Biden introducing Vice President Joe Biden to executives at Burisma. Here is the NY Post article.

Here is Western Journal article,

Question, why will FB and Twit allow stories from NY Times with an anonymous source yet squash this story? Then claim they are neutral, ah – NO WAY. People need to follow Newsmax and One America News to get some news, not opinion columns.

Nancy Pelosi 25th Amendment

Maybe she was honest, that she wasn’t looking into it, to use against Trump this term. She actually may be ready to use, if Biden is elected. Today, Joe Biden forgot the name of Mitt Romney, here’s a Link,

Then also today, Joe thinks he is running for Senate, not President of United States. This isn’t the first time he has done this.

Please keep in mind, Kamala Harris has already said she will change the 2nd Amendment with Executive Order. She has also stated, she is running on the Harris ticket, um the Harris/Biden ticket. She will also Pack the Supreme Court, even though she has danced around the direct answer.

I know the Trump haters, Orange man bad, will not objectively look at this, but please consider this, once our rights are removed, you will not get them back.

Have you actually read Joe’s website for his Covid 19 plan, it’s the same methodology that is in place. Remember H1N1, that was Joe’s handling, sort of. refer to Link But, after they used government stockpiles of ventilators and PPE, they did not replenish the stock. That is why there was scramble for masks and ventilators when a new virus identified as Corona Virus, later to identified as Covid 19.

If you are concerned about health care and losing it, please do some research, because Trump doesn’t like the high cost, that’s why he wants to repeal and replace. But Nancy Pelosi would not negotiate. Also, look if pre-existing would not be covered. so here

Modifying Medicare, trump wants to eliminate the bloat and over billing. Does that sound bad? refer to this

Economy, just look at this

Yes, if you watch CNN and MSNBC for your political news, Trump is a Bafoon. However, if you do research and look for unedited copy, you will see a different view. Keep in mind, the President does have a sarcastic side to him, such as the bleach and slow the testing down comments.

I won’t even get into what is in Peter Schweizer’s book Profiles in Corruption. but let’s say Chapter 1 is on Kamala Harris, Chapter 2 is Joe Biden, and the book cam out in January of 2020.

Guess it boils down to if you objectively review the promises and what has been accomplished by both candidates. One has been in office for roughly 4 years and never accepted by the opposition while the other has been in politics for 47 years and has a record of raising taxes, including taxing social security. One isn’t as they say, Presidential, the other makes promises that are just that, smoke and mirrors.

Az Prop 207 Legalize Pot

While I am not against individual use of marijuana either for recreational and medical purposes, I am opposed to allowing without proper oversight and implementation.

Testing of people who are high. Is there a way to administer testing easily and accurately for law enforcement? Seems the answer here is no. Only accurate test is urine and blood test. Any time a person is suspected of driving while high, will remove that officer from the field for hours. This will lead to all sorts of issues, a person is involved in a car accident and doesn’t seem to be in full control of themselves. A breathalyzer can be performed for alcohol, what about marijuana?

Dispensaries, where can it be sold? Always it covers neighborhoods and schools. What about places where established businesses are thriving. Yes I am going into stereotyping here, because I have seen this first hand. Your local shopping center where family type businesses operate. Now you have people driving high through that parking lot. A person doesn’t have enough money on them to purchase and sexual favors offered and performed in the parking lot, and of course straightforward pandering. This is an issue, because my wife lost a thriving business in California, where all these above instances occurred. Her customers where involved in accidents in parking lot, another was a 17 year old boy who accepted sexual favor for $50.00, mind you unprotected. Plenty of people being accosted by strangers with promises of paying them back.

Doesn’t all this sound like a place you would frequent?

I don’t read anything in the Proposition 207 that will cover and protect everyday people. Without proper controls, my opinion would be to request the authors cover the adverse impact everyday people, communities and established businesses.