Since January 20th, 2025, I hear and read positive and negative things politically. That doesn’t bother me, provided the opinion is based on fact, not emotion.
As I examine what is voiced, I admit I categorize the person. Someone who is not informed, someone who only listens to Left or Right media, or someone who critically examines the issue, data and is open to contrary view and the root of the issue.
It takes work to fall into the last category. That’s the reset. It’s not Democrat or Republican, it’s being informed, practical, willing to compromise and respect one another.
There are plenty of hot buttons, currently. When there is a sound bite played, don’t take it at face value. Listen or watch the unedited version. Take in account the context and intent. Was it serious, sarcastic or an attempt at comedy. RELAX, because when Main Stream Media is presenting their agenda. Yes, their agenda is to suck you in, watch, and they sell advertising and influence. That’s the RESET ! Make up your own mind.
How do you make up your own mind? Interact with others and LISTEN to what is being said. Extract fact from emotion. Determine what causes the emotion or merit of the fact. Appreciate other points of view, and evaluate. Then reflect, it’s ok to change your mind, but it’s also ok to keep your prior viewpoint. That’s the RESET.
Once you Allow yourself to be open and informed, we all win. If you pick a side, and unwilling to accept others and other opinions, you only perpetuate your static existence, we all loose.
Never too late, to RESET.