Senate and Congress Reform

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Term Limits – If the past 2 years haven’t made a case for term limits, consider the precedent has been set, where the career politicians will do anything to sway the populace for voting their party back into power, versus what is right. No matter who wins the next election, be prepared for more of this nightmare. The 2 party system is governing us, not the other way as it was intended. When politicians snub working for us, instead of making things better for their constituents.

Live in District – This really is no brainer. If the representative does not live in the district, how can they know what is actually happening.

Politicians Lying – We must request that members of Congress be held to the same level of truth that is expected of people testifying before them. Double standards should not be acceptable. How many people believed Schiff, claiming that he has seen “more than circumstantial evidence” of a Trump-Putin conspiracy. He didn’t, yet people still believe he does. Just a single example, no time to list all the lies in the past year by politicians, both parties are guilty.

Campaign Contributions – Everyone complains that companies are buying politicians, but what about the rich? Tired of all the campaign commercials full of half truth. How about we stop any campaign funds from companies, corporations and superpacs. Make campaign contributions only legal from U.S. citizens and limit the total amount. This should include comps and perks. Take away any financial gains that gives a candidate an unnatural advantage.

Bill be own Merit or Subject Matter – Tired of campaign ads full of half truths or Bills full of bloat? Why couldn’t politicians vote on a straight forward stimulus package for people without including millions for state bailouts. Want to make your representative accountable without excuses, this would remove the grey area.

Poll Constituents – Start building web sites and apps for representative area which give you a visible accountability in your area or district. You register with your physical mailing address. A post card is then sent to that address with a code and no other registration information, user name and password. You then sign into the web site and enter the annual verification code. When a Bill is introduced, you receive notification to give your input., After your input, you can see how you and all others in your district feel and voted. This isn’t an official vote, but if you know there 500,00 people in your district, 315,00 use the app, and 200,000 of you gave an opinion and mostly voted for or against, some semblance of direction can be surmised. While not perfect, daily activities is no longer a dark hole.

We really need to get our country back. Each of these steps would be a positive in getting the fundamentals envisioned by our founders. While our country has never been perfect, but let’s never stop trying to get there.

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