People Reform

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Once Again, this is just one persons opinion.

Our country seems to be headed for civil war, if you believe the media, main stream, left and right outlets. However, most people I know are good people and only want a common good for everyone. Our ideas differ, which is good, because linear thinking only promotes complacency. Strides are made when ideas are shared, vetted, compromise when necessary and implemented. Then evaluated, modified to work towards the greater good for all. Too much finger pointing and taking sides is killing our ability to act civil and stride towards improvements.

When you find yourself getting angry or upset, take a deep breath, relax your body before continuing. Stop yourself, before you add fuel to the fire and absolutely nothing gets accomplished, except building a wall or triggering the other persons defenses. If you feel you have to win an argument, both of you have already lost.

Remember, we do live in the greatest country on this planet, once again one persons opinion. For those who don’t believe it and feel there isn’t hope, please divorce yourself from a bad situation and move on, for your own health and those dealing with you. However, we don’t live in a perfect society, but as Americans, I was taught to help your fellow man. Every generation has made positive changes, keep in mind, when you are dealing prior generational stereotyping and prejudices, the majority will win eventually. In the meantime, do your part, respect one another. Good will take hold as the majority.

Activism needs to be performed with a conscious effort to be informed. It’s very easy to be emotional when media presents a situation. I don’t want to be specific, but ask yourself, do you have all the facts, do I have enough facts where you feel you can make a stand? If you make a stand, are you mature enough to accept responsibility when the entire situation plays out. I am reminded of when a person is walking down the street towards a van. He notices the van doesn’t have a driver. He attempts to stop it from rolling away and struggles to do so. Continually is losing ground, so he grabs a rock and stuffs it in front of the wheel. The van is now stopped. Happily the man continues on his way. As he passes the back end of the van, 3 men are now struggling to push the van forward. The first man hastily leaves the scene.

I’ve Made Up Mind, Don’t Confuse Me With The Facts. At times, you will need to accept the person as they are. Remind yourself what good qualities that person has and take a moment to understand your relationship and is now a good time to address why you think this person is wrong or stubborn. Then ask yourself, am I 100% right? Is it worth it right now to address it? Refer to the RESPECT Rule, this is another human being and how important is it to address immediately or can it wait or let it go.

Every situation has two sides, whether you feel it is relevant isn’t the only question, because something happened and there was a reaction or series or reactions. Without the facts, you are dealing with a situation on an emotional level. Take a breath and step back again. Getting the details will allow you make a mature decision.

Currently things can become volatile quickly, respect the other person, get the facts and find common ground. Don’t allow yourself to be played or make assumptions. We all want respect and to be treated fairly and equally.

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